Sunday, December 07, 2008

Deck the Halls!

What does that have to do with my blog? Nothing. Just had to give it a title; however, I do have my tree up and a few Christmas touches sitting around (I believe I've already said that). Anyway, it's Sunday, my favorite day of the week, and it's been wonderful. We had a live nativity at church tonight in the sanctuary put on by children and adults, and it was really good. Afterwards, we had finger foods in the fellowship hall and I came home stuffed.

I actually have three gifts wrapped and under the tree!!! Several more are hiding in the closet waiting to be wrapped. Angela plans to come over one night and we'll wrap together since some of hers are in my closet as well. We'll have to remember which gifts each of us bought for who and see what's left to do. I fear I'm not even half through yet. She and I made a quick trip this afternoon to Belks and Walmart for a couple of items. Seems Sunday afternoons are so short that we didn't accomplish a lot but it was fun being together for an hour or so.

Grandchild No. 5 (Luke) has a birthday coming up next Sunday (the 14th) and has a party (3 years old!) this coming Saturday. I'm planning to go to the party and spend the day to help him celebrate. I think Emily (Grandchild No. 3) is going with me. It just doesn't seem possible that Luke is turning 3 - seems like only yesterday that he was born!! But, it's that way with all of them. They just grow up too fast.

We have Victorian Christmas this Thursday and Friday night here in Thomasville. I think Stuart and Kristi are coming down for that, so we'll probably go on Thursday night. That is always a fun time with the streets blocked off, all the stores open, Christmas music playing, horse and carriage rides, entertainment up and down the streets, all kinds of food concessions, seeing people/friends you haven't seen in a long time, and just getting into the Christmas mood. Hope all of you have a wonderful week.

Until next time...Wanda.

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