Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Yes, now that I am blogging again, I am drawn to this computer and feel that I HAVE to say something! ha. I spent today in our Tallahassee office and really enjoyed it -- no phones to deal with! The day went fast, and I have loads to do tomorrow.

Church tonight was good. Bro. Ken is teaching on the three tenses of salvation: (1) regeneration, (2) sanctification and (3) glorification. I don't quite understand why he refers to them as "tenses" unless he means the past (regeneration), present (sanctification) and future (glorification). That makes perfect sense; don't know why I didn't "get" it sooner.

Tomorrow is my oldest daughter's birthday - she will be 41!!! Wow, can it be that I have a child that old?!? I'm very proud of her and the three grandchildren she produced for me. She married a wonderful man who is a pastor, and I love my son-in-law. I feel a shopping spree coming on tomorrow night for her.

Ok, my eyelids are getting droopier by the minute. Must put them to bed. G'nite!


Jawan said...

Wow, Angela looks so good to be 41. Not that 41 is old. You know what I mean. Wait, 41 is young. I'll be there in just under 7 years. 41 is a great number. Ok, I'm gonna stop now.

Stuart said...

Keep Blogging mom!! I'm reading..just not as regular. Of course, I'm not good at blogging either! I love you!!

Anonymous said...

Love your blogging, Sis! Keep it up, that way I keep up with what is going on in your life! Norma